adding large view in subalbum

I have subalbums, when you look at a gallery and go into it, you might get a view of 4 to 6 thumbs all the same size (using the default template). My main thumb representing the sub album is a cutout, and it shows along with the others. Is there a way to pull the image that shows on the image template on to the album? I want a large image and the thumbs on the album page, and then I will be customizing the image page to suit my needs. Thanks in advance. My alternative is to "skip" the display of thumbs in the sub album to go directly to the image template (not that I know how to do that) and I prefer not to so that I can take advantage of the full navigation of the templates. Rick.


  • Could you give us an URL to your site? I do not think I understand what you are asking. Let me define some terms so I can ask you questions:

    The first page you see when you visit the home page of your gallery is the index.php page of the theme We will call this page the gallery page. On this page are shown thumbnails of the first level albums in your gallery. If you click on one of these thumbnails, you are taken to the album.php page of your theme. We will call this page the album page.

    On the album page there may be album thumbnails if the album itself contains albums. We will call these subalbums thumbnails. There may also be thumbnails to images if the album contains them. We will call these image thumbnails.

    If you click on a subalbum thumbnail you will be taken to another album page. If you click on an image thumbnail you will be taken to the image.php page of your theme. We will call this the image page.

    So, by these definitions, do you have subalbums in your albums or just images? If you have subalbums and you don't show the subalbum thumbnails, then there would be no way to get to them.

    What is it you mean by the main thumb? It is certainly possible to display an image from the album on the album page. For instance, the Effervescence+ theme shows a (cropped) randomly selected image in the header of the album page. Is it something like this you wish?

    If it is a specific image, which image would it be--the first? There is a function that will get an image from an album based on its image #. That could then be formatted and displayed on the album page.
  • subalbum thumbnails, if I click one of these, I go to another album page. On this page, can I call the large image that appears on the album page? I'm sorry, I'm working on a local server. I want the first image to show up, thanks.
  • sorry, I mean can I call the large image that appears on the image page to this album page. Sounds like I can and I would call the first image, yes.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Do you mean like we do on the themes page on That would be quite easy.
  • The easiest way to do this would be the following:

    `$_zp_current_image = $_zp_current_album->getImage(0);

  • I will play with this, I don't really know where to put it though, sorry. I can copy and paste but don't go much further than that.
  • Yes acylian, like the themes display.
  • ok, I'm having a hard time figuring out where this goes. I'm looking at the zp-core files (template functions?) and thinking there. Zenphoto would be a great segway into learning php for me but I have no idea what I'm looking at, sorry. Point me in the right direction, please. Thanks
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, in the themes page we jump directly from an subalbum to an image page. That means with that modification you can have only one subalbum level. Here is how we did it (default theme example):

    This replaces the next_album() loop on album.php:


    <?php while (next_album()): ?>

    <?php $firstimage = $_zp_current_album->getImages(); // get the first image of the current album in the loop?>

    <?php endwhile; <br />

    This part does not exist in the default theme and needs to be added on image.php:


    You have to figure the CSS styling for it yourself of course.
  • Ok, I got this to work, having only 1 subalbum deep, but I have 2 subalbum deep. So, anything else out there? Is there a way to put the large image that shows up in the image.php (default theme) and call it to the album template?
  • I went back to a previous solution,
    and got it to work. Thankyou
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