Hey everyone,
I've been using Gravatars on my Wordpress site - seems okay, couldn't really find anything better. I found a post on here with some code for Gravatars - but as it says in the post the code bring backs an error.
I'm just wondering if anyone uses Gravatars or any other image function that they could recommend and explain how to go about it.
I use the default theme.
Also, I can't seem to but any space between the submit radio button and the comment box. Any tips?
As always,
`<?php<br />
$email = getCommentAuthorEmail();
$default = "http://domain.tld/yourdefaultgravatar.jpg";
$size = 32;
$grav_url = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id=".md5($email)."&default=".urlencode($default)."&size=".$size; ?>
Thank you!
Seriously, you really helped me out!
I added this to the CSS code and away I went...
.gravatar {
width: 40px;
padding: 1px;
vertical-align: top;
Thanks again,
This is my very first website so I'm a little clueless!