"Warning- headers" issue after upgrading to 1.1.5

I have just upgraded to 1.1.5 and my gallery works fine. However I am including part of it into my blog using the template-functions.phph, and now I get the following error on my blog:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/149/sda/a/d/frederic.rivain/blog/index.php:50) in /mnt/149/sda/a/d/frederic.rivain/photo/zp-core/functions.php on line 1561

Here is the code I use to integrate the Gallery into my blog (basically it displays a random photo + the list of albums):

<?php<br />
/* Affichage d'une image alétoire tirée de la galerie ZenPhoto + la liste des albums */

define('ZENFOLDER', 'zp-core');

define('WEBPATH', '../photo');

require_once(WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/template-functions.php");

$randomImage = getRandomImages();

$randomImageURL = getURL($randomImage);

echo "getTitle() ."'>imagegetThumb()."' alt=".$randomImage->getTitle()." border=1/>"; ?>

<?php while (next_album()): ?>

" title="View album: <?php echo getAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>

<?php endwhile; ?>


Any idea?

I tried to look on the forum, removed a couple of blank lines at the end of php files in zp-core, then upgraded to the latest nightly build without success.

Thanks for the help.



  • Assuming the line number is from the current nightly build you are getting output started when index.php is loading the theme's album.php page. So maybe there is something in that file extra.
  • I've run into that problem just by moving stuff between my home machine and webserver -- sometimes the text editors seem to change the file encoding. Try renaming the file, creating a new, empty one, and them pasting the contents in.
  • I am afraid I can't find anything wrong in album.php. I am using the default theme.

    In fact, I realized I had reverted to 1.1.5 when I wrote this post. Then maybe another file is causing the trouble. How can I identify it?

    By the way, if you wish to take a look by yourself, blog is at http://frederic.rivain.free.fr/blog/index.php and gallery is at http://frederic.rivain.free.fr/photo/

    Thanks for the help.
  • This one seems to be different. The error I see is `output started at /mnt/149/sda/a/d/frederic.rivain/blog/themes/famille/template.php:24) in /mnt/149/sda/a/d/frederic.rivain/photo/zp-core/functions.php on line 1561`

    It says the output started in `template.php` at line 24. `template.php` is not part of zenphoto.
  • In fact, I was able to solve the issue by moving the following lines at the top of my template.php file:

    `define('ZENFOLDER', 'zp-core');

    define('WEBPATH', '../photo');

    require_once(WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/template-functions.php");`

    Thanks all for giving me the lead.
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