Stop Design - Album & Desc in centre?

So I am back testing out Zen Photo and the Stop Design theme, but I have one again come to a puzzle. In the CSS file I have changed everything from "left" to "center" but the title text (when viewing an album) is slightly aligned to the left, the description is still where it was, but I dont understand what ia telling the text to display there as the CSS shouldn't be?

Any pointers?


  • This is fixed in the SVN and nightly build.
  • Is there a little walk through as I have just finished modding the theme to how I would like it, so it would be a shame to have to start again?

    Even though I have had some help from others, everything seems to be coming from the left. I have put my album thumbnails, picture, picture title and description all in the centre, but when viewed through the browser, it is all centred on the left hand 75% of the page (as 75% is what I have left it at).

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