I'm a mac guy, looking for an easy way to transfer files from iPhoto to my zenphoto site. A nice built in feature with iPhoto is its simple export function, which used with a remotely mounted server makes transfers from within iPhoto (via Finder) easy. A nice zenphoto feature is that if you create a new folder, this becomes an album, making it very easy to add albums in this way. You just first mount the server in Finder (or however), then in iPhoto select the photos you want to transfer, and navigate to the server using standard OSX.
When copying files to remote servers, Finder creates a .DS_Store file with the Finder settings. Using iPhoto 6 (somewhat dated), iPhoto's export also creates a hidden file named ._IMG where IMG is the actual image file, e.g., IMG.jpg, for each image file transfered. The content of this hidden file appears harmless, but zenphoto attempts to display the file, maybe because it has a valid extension? In contrast, the .DS_Store file is not a problem, probably because is has no useful extension?
I also have a copy of iPhoto 8 that just came with a new laptop, and it looks like the hidden file is not created in this later version of iPhoto. This makes the above method all that much better, since you don't have to go back and delete the useless hidden files.
I'm posting this, because I wonder about the policy for displaying hidden files. My guess is that a .anything file should not be displayed, whereas zenphoto attempts to do so (in this case only going so far as a hyperlink to the hidden file name). If you just put a valid photo file in an album, with a .name, it gets displayed just fine. I'm not at all very savy in these matters, but I suspect this could be used as a security hole?
I don't see how that impact security, since the .ds files itself are pretty useless. I don't believe that there is anything important stored in those files.
I believe there are programs that can remove those hidden files, too. Take a look at www.macupdate.com for example.
BTW, some user had the idea to write a zenphoto plugin for iPhoto, so maybe that would take care of that too: http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=2446&replies=5
A plugin for iPhoto would be handy. Hope somebody works on that. The scheme I outline in first post is very easy. Maybe I'll summarize it in the thread you noted.
1. A true imagefile named .image.jpg will be show as any other image too.
2. A .DS_sStore file renamed to .DS_Store.jpg will be indeed listed as an image, too, but nothing gets displayed except for the placeholder for missing images because the image/thumb could not be generated. All images run through the GD lib that generates the sized image and the thumbnail. ZEnphoto can't display text files. This would happen with a renamed htaccess file, too.
I don't think this is a security issue, but I am not the security expert in the team.
Warning: rmdir(/home/username/public_html/gallery/albums/08-16-2007/) [function.rmdir]: Directory not empty in /home/username/public_html/gallery/zp-core/class-album.php on line 791
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/username/public_html/gallery/zp-core/class-album.php:791) in /home/username/public_html/gallery/zp-core/admin.php on line 323
***After deleting the .DS_store file via FTP, then going back to Zen admin and deleting the album again, it then works.
This is zenphoto version 1.1.5 [1507]
More info on this here:
Gotta be some way around this.
djdevine: Don't you think that a admin capable of `defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true` will hopefully get the idea to look for .DS_store files if the delete procedure failure happens?..:-)
It wasn't an admin uploading that I was concerned about, it was a user.... BUT I had overlooked what you said about single images, and lumped all scenarios together. Whoops. Maybe a include tech note somewhere for Mac admins to make sure they don't upload DS_store files or albums won't get deleted? Onward...