Albums disappear after approximately 5000 images

Hello all,

Running into a strange problem. I am currently running a zenphoto setup on a local server and am having a peculiar error which keeps coming up. Everything works fine, except when I try to FTP and dump approximately 9000+ photos into an album. The album picture disappears, however the album name does not. If I delete enough photos to get down into 4000 region, the album appears again and everything works. If I add maybe 500 more (to get to 4500) it disappears again. I have tried this on different picture sets and same problem.

The following screens are the result of 4930 images.

The one that works has a little over 4000. Any ideas?,qPq9t,QedBY


  • I suspect that your server is simply not capable of processing 9000+ new albums within the timeout limits of PHP or your browser. The problem should correct itself over time as the images get cached.
  • It is 9000 images in one album. I am running this on a virtual server so if there are any constraints they are self imposed server side. I have no problems caching the photos; I cannot access the album at all (even directly linking to album) unless it is shy of 5000 images. I have tons of ram/processing power available. What settings would I need to change to handle all of the images?
  • Have you cached all the images? Are you using random images for the album thumbnail?

    Zenphoto does nothing different based on # of images. Maybe you can up the default PHP script timeout.

    Are you sure you want 9000 images in one album? Sounds pretty unusable from a user perspective to me.
  • Its a wallpaper site, so some of the genres have more than others.

    All images are cached and that is not a problem. I am using the most recent picture (have been changing it around) but nothing. I don't see why 4500 pictures is fine but 5000 makes it not work. Any suggestions for testing?
  • Well, your server does have to process the image list to figure out what to show on a page. This is even if the image thumbnails are all cached.

    Just seems to me that going throuh 5000-9000 images to display maybe 20 thumbnails is a bit of overkill. In addition, I certanily would find your site useless given that there would be 250 to 450 pages with apparently no organization to them.

    But if that is what you want to do so be it. Configure your php/server so that it will execute longer before it "times out" after all I am sure your users will be happy to wait several minutes for each of their 250 page requests to load.

    Just to put things in perspective: 5000 images handled in 30 seconds means your server must be able to process an image in 0.006 seconds. Not unreasonable for a powerful server, but maybe yours is not so strond
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I think if this is a typical wallpaper site it is not expected that visitors really move through it manually but to be accessed via a web or site wide search.
  • So then it does not matter if the album loads, right????
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