all uploaded images are deleted!

hi --

installed ZP twice, once manually, once with Dreamhost's one-click on two different sites. have been going round and round with Dreamhost's support on this one, but no answers...

when I upload photos on either site, with either installation, they appear in thumbnail form. when i click to enlarge the photo, the files are totally deleted.

support forwarded me this error log: - - [29/Mar/2008:10:19:12 -0700] "GET
e=fj3wheels.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 537
"" "Mozilla/5.0
(Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311

initially, support thought this was caused by Google Accelerator -- I deleted this... AND i had replicated the issue on three different computers, 2 PC, 1 MAC...

can anyone give me any insight as to why these images would all be deleted when i try to view them?


  • Could you post a link to the site? We need to look at the links.

    Is the IP address yours?

    I could understand aggressive pre-caching enabled on your browser hitting the delete links... what if you log out before going to view anything?
  • hi -- and thanks!

    alex, when i upload, then logout, sure enough everything seems to work fine...! good news, as this has been a wee bit of a struggle...

    going forward, is there a way to avoid this problem? i'm not so savvy with caching and such... and again, this was happening on several computers with at least 4 browsers...

    thanks SO much!

  • also, any time i tried to browse the gallery when i am logged in, the images are deleted...
  • When a browser is pre-caching, it's loading the links on a page before you actually click on them -- the idea is that if/when you do click on one, it's already got it loaded and can display it right away. If the link "does" something, though, like delete a picture or album, then is the browser fetches the link, it's just like you've clicked on it. By logging out, the links aren't on the pages, so they can't be loaded.

    I have no idea why you'd see it on different computers and browsers, though. That's really odd, since it's unlikely they would all be set up with pre-caching. That has me stumped. Were all those computers going through the same internet connection? Maybe you have a pre-caching proxy server on your connection.
  • yes, they are all going through the same internet connection -- i live in the country and thus have a satellite connection. will call and see if they have some sort of pre-caching set up....

    thanks for your help...

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