Mail notification comments is empty



  • I will edit your post above and insert the code.
  • Thank you...i have added your lines...I have retested and the email is empty too...same problem...

    So what do you think?
  • At what point did it become empty? That is, which of the printouts had no text?
  • The object and the message are empty...yes, no text!

    With or without your lines (echo), it's the same mail : empty! :(
  • I understand that. These messages are not a fix, they are an attempt to find out where the problem is. So, you need to tell me what is printed out for each message.
  • And where can i see that? (the printed out)
  • Sorry, if you want to be helped you will need to be able to provide the information needed.
  • I know that but i don't know where can I see or found the information that you need...

    Where can I found that? Sorry i'm french so i tried to understand your english...sorry for that...
  • sbillard please? :) thanks
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