un-selecting the album thumbnail

I recently installed Zenphoto and am loving it so far. www.orangedrop.com/zenphoto is my site. I was playing around with a few directories to start, and love the way that they would show a random thumbnail for the album link.

As I was playing more with the admin interface, I selected a thumbnail for a few albums (I did it for the main one, and two of the sub-albums), so now the thumbnail is static to the ones that I chose. Only the one that I haven't touched yet still rotates a random thumbnail.

Is there a way to un-select the thumbnail for the album?


  • Short of editing the database table, there is no way.
  • OK, after tonight's nightly build you will have a way.
  • Wow - that's awesome! Great service. It's nice to see that you guys are adding features/fixing bugs so quickly. I'm really impressed.
  • Iain Member
    I was having the exact same problem. Thanks!
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