sorting sub-albums

When I upload (ftp) a folder of files (a sub-album) and the images are 1.jpg, 2.jpg,3.jpg, I would think that settings would allow for the first image to always be 1st without having to manually set them in admin after uploading. I do have my default sort order for images set to filename and the same with galleries. Is there a setting so that when uploading subalbums, they will present themselves on the public end automatically?


  • I just noticed that in the admin under image display "sort images" the selection box stays checked, even after unchecking and saving, it comes back checked
  • There is a bug related to this that has been corrected in the nightly builds. I suggest you try installing it.
  • I upgraded, and it's fine now, but I'm trying to understand the settings for "sort by". Under options, there is gallery display and image display, then choosing how to sort. I usually sort by file name (1.jpg,2.jpg...). Then when you go into actual albums in the admin the choice is there again, and of course there is "random". Is the logic here that choosing sort under options for gallery and image display, you are setting a default throughout the galleries and images on the public page? It confuses me a bit, and I wish random was not automatic. I always like to upload folders using ftp, then because my images are numerically ordered, they fall right where I want them. When you ftp, with random, you have to go in right away and edit each subalbum. Zen Photo is great, and I know you can't please us all. I'm amazed really, at how active the forums are and how committed you all are to zenphoto. I'm no coder, but I would gladly donate, if there is a place to do that. Thanks, Rick
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The admin option setting in "Gallery Configuration" is for sorting of albums on the top level, you can set a sorting for subalbums in their parent album.

    "Image display" is for the sorting of the images itself, which you again specify in each album speciafically.

    PS: Regarding donating, there is a paypal button on our home page...:-)
  • There is also a 'default' setting for image sorting on the option/image display tab. If you don't set the sorting opions at the album level the sorting will be by the gallery defaults.

    if you select "id" order your images will be in the order of upload.
  • I'm confused! My understanding is that if images in a subalbum are set to sort by ID then they sort by when they were uploaded. If you upload 5 images when creating an album in the upload panel, is the id added then? And is the first image in the upload panel showing given an id lower than the next image in the upload panel?
  • Images are added when they are "viewed" which usually is when you visit the admin edit page after the upload. The sort order can be either ascending or descending--your choice.
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