Installed the build version 1.1.5 [1382]. Clicked on the new Plugins tab:
Warning: exif_read_data() [function.exif-read-data]: Unable to open file in /.../zp-core/plugins/exifimagerotate.php on line 2
Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(SRC_IMAGE) [function.imagecreatefromjpeg]: failed to open stream: No such file or /.../zp-core/plugins/image_mirror.php on line 8
Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /.../zp-core/plugins/image_mirror.php on line 9
Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /.../zp-core/plugins/image_mirror.php on line 10
Warning: imagecreatetruecolor() [function.imagecreatetruecolor]: Invalid image dimensions in //.../zp-core/plugins/image_mirror.php on line 11
Warning: imagejpeg(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /.../zp-core/plugins/mage_mirror.php on line 23
Warning: imagedestroy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /.../zp-core/plugins/image_mirror.php on line 25
Warning: imagedestroy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /.../zp-core/plugins/image_mirror.php on line 26
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare imagerotate() in/.../zp-core/plugins/image_rotate.php on line 45
Slideshow: which theme supports this, as it's a new feature?
Where do I look for the Statistics results?
For the statistic results you have to modify your theme with the functions it provides. Info about the functions are for example in the comments in the file itself (they are in our doc too, but that does not support the nightly only the official 1.1.5).
I checked for the Statistics, but not sure where these are to be accessed.
Checked for Print and again, how is this envoked? Should I see someting somewhere?
For slideshow I got error "Zenphoto error: missing theme page." This is using ZP DEFAULT unmodified. The only indication it's present is a small "View" text link on right side of the 1st row of Thumbnails on the album index page.
How to use them is written in the comments of the files itself. (Our functions guide is not updated yet, that will happen with the next official release).
acryian: not sure exactly what you mean that they're optional. How were they done until now? If I were to print, all I'd ever know to do is use my browser's print function , not too pretty. Is there a preferred option for the slideshow using flowplayer v1.0.0 over flvplayer v1.0.0 running on my Mac OS X 10.3.9? Camino over Safari?
There are two steps to using a function which is now included in a plugin. First, the checkbox for the plugin must be checked enable. (A few are checked by default--ones that were part of template-functions.) Besides enabling the plugin, of course, you must actually make use of the functions it provides.
I think we will eventually include a link to the function documentation of the plugin within its description. First, though, we have to generate that set of documents.
If I were to print, all I'd ever know to do is use my browser's print function , not too pretty.
If you refer to the print album menu, that does not do print out "on paper", it "prints" a menu of your albums for navigation on screen, what I believe I have written in the plugin's description...:-)
Hi, I'm back....
Got my act together... Downloaded this build. Removed all my custom themes and combined into one: DefaultRBC which is really only customized CSS styles . This allows using ZP's FILES FOR ALL OTHER STUFF in the Theme folder. ZP's own Default is uploaded and as-is. (I removed the form field Site in image.php but it's not uploaded yet). Updated worked via setup.php. So all, I thought, is okay.
Viewed Album1: Uses DefaultRBC/darkBoston.css - The View Slideshow is text link on row 8-1/2 (not all rows are equal as in Admin, rows aren't exactly 5 per). Get error still "Zenphoto error: missing theme page."
Viewed Album2: Uses Default/dark.css - The View Slideshow is reduced to "View" on row 1. same error.
Viewed Album3: Uses Example/not selected whatever it is - same error.
Viewed Album3: Uses Example/not selected whatever it is - same error.
All files are ZP's. Only the styles folder contains my files. The slideshow file is present in both Themes. Dated April 01, 2008
album.php = 04 april
archive.php = 09 march
image.php = 31 march
index.php = 09 march
search.php = 04 april
slideshow.php = 01 april
ALL these files are copied into my DEFAULTRBC Theme, as `only` the CSS is modified.