How to manually sort images?


I was looking for that theme function but couldn't find anything. Is there a way how visitors can re(sort) albums? I'd like to give them ability to choose from sort by date and sort by ID ... that's the only way who anyone can see the latest uploaded albums but I do want sort albums by date by default.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, we don't have a function for that. But why don't you just set the album sort order to "date" and "descending", then all the latest albums should be the first.

    Additionally we have a function printLatestAlbums() that prints thumbs of, well, the latest albums.
    Please see our functions guide for more info.
  • Well that's not what I would like to have. I like to have albums sorted chronologically.

    Anyway, I'll check the printLatestAlbums() function, it might be fine for my issue :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, sorting by ID (creation) and date are pretty chronological I would think. You could just set the admin option "Gallery" to date or ID and it should sort that way by default...
  • Yep, I know there's an option in the admin panel. I was just thinking about giving user a sort ability.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As always if you really wish that feature and can't do it yourself please open a feature request ticket and we will add it to our poll to check the general interesst.
  • Sorry, maybe I don't understand. What do you mean by "chronologically" if it is not by date? You can always set the date in the album if it is not what you wanted.
  • What do you mean by "user"? If it is a casual browser of the album, I doubt we will allow them to sort the items in it. If it is someone known to you that you want to have some control over the album(s) you can create a user id for them and grant them the rights you wish them to have. Edit rights for an album or albums would allow the user to sort them.
  • Seems you don't get my point ... and I understand why :) I've got a lot of pictures but it's not possible to process all of them coz migrating from the gallery2 takes a time (and not every img has an EXIF). Let's say that today I'm adding pictures from a year 2003 and tomorrow I'll upload from 2007, the following day from 2001. Albums are sorted by default by a date and thus no one will have a clue that I've uploaded pictures from the 2003 year. Those new albums might be on page 10 or 15 ...

    The user means a casual browser ... Not a big deal, I'll use that function like I use latest images function. It's not something that important.
  • Setting the default sort to by ID descending will order your albums in the reverse order you created them. Is that what you want. Newly created albums are first in the list (no matter if what the date is.)

    The best way for people to know you have uploaded new albums is for them to subscribe to the RSS feed.
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