nightly build question

So as per our discussion I upgraded to the nightly build to resolve the IPTC issue I was having (now fixed)!

I had upgraded to the nightly build the night before too, without the following issue.

However, now I'm getting the following two errors on my page (just above the header):

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/another/public_html/xyz/zenphoto/zp-core/plugins/flowplayer.php:1) in /home/another/public_html/xyz/zenphoto/index.php on line 29

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/another/public_html/xyz/zenphoto/zp-core/plugins/flowplayer.php:1) in /home/another/public_html/xyz/zenphoto/zp-core/functions.php on line 1615

Any ideas?


  • This is probably caused by the plugin implementation that is fairly new. Most likely there are old files in the zn-core/plugins folder that should not be there. The best approach is to delete the contents of that folder and reload from the distribution.

    As a general rule, it is a good idea to remove all the old zp-core content except for zp-config.php whenever you upgrade to insure that no orphaned scripts are left around to cause trouble.
  • affa Member
    Hmm. I had actually just:
    1. made a backup of zp-config.php
    2. uploaded a zip of zp-core
    3. deleted old zp-core
    4. unzipped new zp-core
    5. copied backup of zp-config.php into directory

    so it should be clean. will continue to look into this.
  • We have found a problem with last night's build related to the plugins. (Thanks for your post!) It will be fixed in tonight's build or you can download the files from the current SVN and replace all the plugins with the ones there.
  • Alternatively, if you are not using any of the features of the plugins, just uncheck the checkbox.
  • affa Member
    replaced plug in folder with current files from your link. this solved issue.

    however, I swear this worked yesterday (based on a solution you provided in another thread)
    Year: <?php echo getImageDate("Y");?>

    It now returns

    Year: Y

    As mentioned, I could have sworn this worked yesterday (I had checked 'solve year issue' off my checklist)
  • The other thing that is in the nightly builds is the start of localization of zenphoto. One thing that did is require we use a different function for date conversions--strftime Unfortunately, that also changes the format strings (why can't things be consistent....)

    I guess your code worked when it was used against the old functions. Now you need to use "%Y".
  • affa Member
    solved and resolved. you rock.
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