Last updated albums

I'm using the latest nightly build. I know there's already a function to display the last created albums but what if I add some photos to an album that is already there? I tried and the album doesn't show with the other ones.
It's a shame because some pics get overlooked. Does anyone know a way to show all the last updated albums?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    A new function would be needed for the latest updated ones. It seems to make sense, I'll add it to my to-do-list and update the statistics plugin with it. Should be possible. In the meanwhile you perhaps could use the printLatestImages()?
  • Wow, thanks a lot for the quick reply and for all your work with ZP! Love this script.
    I'll be looking forward to this new function. :) The new plugin system rocks.
  • While we're at it, would it be possible to integrate it with AlbumDate?
    Or have a new function maybe, so that we could display the date on which the album was last updated, something like "last file added on 8 Apr 2008"
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, I will use the date of the latest added image in that album.
  • Typically when doing code for web pages, many may have 2 dates: created date and last modified date. If placed on each image page, that would be helpful. Would this be manual or automatic and what would trigger? Adding the image and/or adding/modifying text (description)?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I guess my answer above was a little misleading. I somehow overread that the question referred to the function `albumdate()`. That surely would be possible, but I/we will have to look at that first.

    I first will do a function for the latest updated albums, everything else later. Of course that would be an option and I would considers uploading new images to an album as an update, not editing it's description.
  • "uploading new images to an album as an update, not editing it's description."

    Could be both: possibly images that cannot be identified so it would be great to be able to show the updated date when the information is obtained. It's not always obvious. Or, images could be wrongly identified, change in date shows something to draw visitor attention. Guess it depends on what the code handles.

    I'm thinking of the date function I use in Dreamweaver. You can add current date and it never changes or add the date function that changes every time page is saved. Assuming the page would be saved only when modified. MSWord also has date functions for various states. But, don't know PHP <LOL!>
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, I really don't want things to get more complicated than necessary. I wouldn't take the date of an image as the indicator but the ID because that is the one value that really shows if that image is newly uploaded.

    It may be possible to check if a db table field is updated, but I just don't about that.

    Not everything at one time, ok...:-)
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