I see the new addition of Tags when viewing the Edit tab.
The description would be better if moved as to read I need to scroll horiztonal - it's outside the greyish box, running into the white box. 17" monitor viewed full screen @ 1024x768 (max). However, it's not common for Mac browsers to be at full screen, the way MSIE is.
The text refers to a drop down list but no idea what that means. I have no list. I click "add new tag" and nothing happens to the text I type in the green field. Should it? Also, what does it mean by value of the new tag?
04/07/08 15:34:07 (7 hours ago)
Message: Rewrote text explaining tags to maybe make it more easily comprehend by people with little or no clues.
Ah, gee, thanks <SMILE>. Will download later.
EDIT: It should be no problem with the currently nightly, since that part is more flexible now.
That's what's fun about ZP. You never know what the night brings <SMILE>. I noted it in case it would be a factor, I know, I know, I'm behind the times. Thanks for keeping ZP so updated.
I downloaded 09-Apr build #1416 but number seems the same from 06-Apr build #1416 I last installed. (Yes, I ran setup.php and the slideshow seems to indicate to me that it's update because it didn't work previously)
Not crucial but am trying to determin if my install is okay.
If you click on the "Add new tag" entry, four text fields (in the latest nightly) should appear to enter new tag entries.