I'm sure this question has been asked before but I couldn't find the answer on the site. I have some text in the custom data field for an image that I'm including in image.php, but the links I put into the text aren't working - they aren't live links. I read about how you have to allow tags in the options to get this to work, but I'm not quite understanding how to do this. I tried putting
href => ()
into that field, but that's probably wrong. Can someone offer me advice on how to get links working in the custom data field?
Thanks so much!
`a => (href =>() title =>() target=>() class=>() id=>())`
So it looks for an image with the name "link" in the album in which the image with the custom data resides.
After some refreshes the link renders as
External links used in custom data fields and codeblocks need to be prefixed with `http://`