Album thumbnails missing

I installed my first Zenphoto gallery (default theme) and I'm very impressed with the script. I created two albums and everything works just fine so far. But when I tried to see how everything looks on the other machines I was surprised. No other computer but mine would show thumbnails of the albums. I updated java, flash, browsers, but no browser will show the album thumbnails. When I put URL of albums they are both there just thumbnails on the gallery page are missing. Anybody knows what is wrong and how I could fix it?


  • what do you get if you put the url for the thumbnail image into the browser?
  • Can you post a link so that we can take a look?
  • Thank you very much to both of you for quick response and willingness to help. The issue got fixed. In admin pane, edit tab, I clicked on 'Publish', 'Cache the album', 'Refresh image metadata' and 'Reset hitcounters'. After that the albums appeared in the gallery page. My guess publishing or caching did the magic or maybe both.
  • I would guess that the Published change was the one that fixed things. Unpublished albums/items are not visible unless you are logged in as an administrator.
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