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The functions are all documented in our User Guide. Most of the ones of interest will be in the template-fuinctions.php documentation--
I have looked in the documentation, but failed to recognize the template-functions.php
This will do the trick
I have the following code that gave me imagecount without sub and the subalbumcount:
`<?php $countimgs = getNumImages(); if ($countimgs > 1 || $countimgs == 0) $countimgs .= " images"; else $countimgs .=" image"; echo$countimgs; ?> | <? $countsuba = getNumSubalbums(); if ($countsuba > 1 || $countsuba == 0) $countsuba .= " subalbums"; else $countsuba .=" subalbum"; echo $countsuba; ?>`
I tried to replace getNumImages() for getTotalImagesIn($album), didnt work, the site stopped showing after the first album thumb.
I tried to get the albumId and put that in $album, same not working result.
How do i get the correct $album ??
I forgot to say that this is for the index page, so that i am not yet in a album.