poll : add people to registe

hi all zenphoto user and staff i have add one subject here
about to add in the futur version that people registe and uplaod pictur but all pictur should be validate by the admin.
if this sugg are very inportant for you i hopp that you vote for this subject to be add in the futur version

so i'm the fist one :)

any othere?


  • yosol Member
    waw no one are interestid???
    ok :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You will first have to create a feature request ticket on the Trac, after that we will add your request to the poll on our news site. No polls in the forum...:-)
  • Just out of curiosity, why don't you create an album that is marked unpublished. Also create an admin user which has rights only to upload to that album. Then publish that admin user/password to anyone who wishes to upload images to your gallery.

    No changes to Zenphoto required. You get to review the uploads before making them available to view. Right now you would have to manually move them to visible albums, but we are hoping that be the next release of zenphoto to have Move/Copy/Rename functions that would make this process easier.
  • If I interpret yosol correctly, he's asking for something that I know I use in PHPGenView (open source genealogy app). The Admin can assign Editing rights to a user however, not Accept rights. That means all Edits must be approved by the Admin before they actually appear. In ZP's case, it would be the images. As a user of yosol's site, i would be able to upload an image (he assigns that permission) however, he'd have to approve it before it can be openly viewed.

    In the case of genalogy, prevents info being uploaded that may not be totally accurate, invasion of privacy and more. PGV goes as far as separating Edit privileges and Edit & Accept. The latter would allow the user to post and publish the data without the Admin's interception.

    With photos, sizing could be problem (I upload a 3mb image!) or maybe copyright, etc. So, not a bad idea.

    That is, assuming I'm understanding yosol correctly <SMILE>
  • yosol Member
    thank you a lof for replay
    about admin activation or validation off pictur the idea will be devloped is the ZP accepter the sugg whait?
    becous in the futur you can have admin and supper_admin ... all one have permission to build the gallery but if any one can uplaod and publish the pictur so any one can put any pictur (hot-pic or pornoghrafique pictur )
    and the admin should delit all so othere work for the admin and all staff

    i hopp that my sug is clear and sorry for my very bad english
    all what i want is ZP will be the best one
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can improvise that already now as sbillard wrote above:

    1. Create an album for the public upload and set it to unpublished.
    2. Create a general user/administrator that has only upload rights for that above created album.
    3. Now people who know the user name and password of this general user can upload images to this one albums. Since the album is published, nobody will see what they uploaded.
    4. Now you can now move the images to an published album if the images are approved by you. Since the admin feature of copying and moving an image or album is not ready yet you would have to do the moving via ftp.
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