zenphoto and PSD

Can anyone help and let me know if zenphoto support photoshop, illustrator and indesign files?

I try to update psd files to the zenphoto beta gallery but all are not shown.

Thank you very much for your help in advance!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, only JPEG, GIF and PNG. The formats you mentioned are for print and not standard internet image formats.
  • ujezz, you should probably be saving the photos/illustration in png or jpeg format anyways if you are using them on the web. The file size alone will make your guests happier!
  • ujezz Member
    thank you very much for your reply.
  • PSD isn't even proper print format. It's the native editing mode Photoshop format used to create/edit an image and then save to a finished TIFF (or other print) or JPEG (or other web) files. Akin to PNG being the native Fireworks format (and, unfortunately, not the same as that used for actual images.png!

    (PSD saves the layers and editing capabilities that you don't want in the finished file. )
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