Dynamic album thumbnail?

Hi all,

I hope I haven't missed this somewhere on the forum or user guide, but is it possible to set a specific thumbnail image for an .alb / dynamic album?

I have a folder and within that, 6 or 7 dynamic albums. I can't work out how to give each of those dynamic albums a specific thumbnail (not based on last viewed, most viewed, etc).

Any ideas?


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    As with all albums you can set the thumbnail manually on the backend. On your album page there's a "Thumbnail" dropdown where you can choose the thumbnail.
    (admin -> albums -> parent album -> dynamic album -> locate the "Thumbnail" dropdown)
  • The options are only:

    first alphabetically
    most recent
    most viewed

    Aren't they?

    If that's the case, then I cant select a specific thumbnail (amazingthumbnail.jpg for example) to be the thumbnail for the dynamic album.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Below those options, in the same dropdown, you should see all filenames present in the album.
  • Thanks fretzl for getting back to me.

    Just to confirm, what I have is:

    -- dynamic album
    -- dynamic album
    -- dynamic album

    For each of those dynamic albums (which obviously contain albums inside each of those), I want a thumbnail to be specified.

    In the drop down for each of those dynamic albums, I only see:
    first alphabetically
    most recent
    most viewed

    but no subsequent filenames of images within its folder/s.

    I had a look, and this goes for any .alb folder in my installation.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It really should look like this:

    If it doesn't you should review your error logs.
  • If there are no images in the root dynamic album you will not get the list of images [sic]. To use an image from a subalbum (or any other image) as a thumbnail you will need to edit your dynamic album file. Add the line `THUMB=/album/image.jpg` to the `.alb` file.

    You may need to refresh the database if the thumbnail does not initially show up.
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