problems with slideshow nightly build

hi developers

could u pls adjust the slideshow/nightly build to work and show well on IE7 and IE6

i spend sometimes on it but could not adjust it.

if not

anyone in here done that already?? pls let me know

thanks all


  • hi developers

    i did re-install the latest release of " nightly build "

    the slideshow has improved may be 1 % on IE7 and IE6

    hope u can get over this problem soon.

    thanks all
  • If you use the "flash" personality of the slideshow it works well in IE
  • hi sbillard

    what is the "flash" personality ???

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The slideshow has options in the admin. You can choose between the jQuery Javascript/ajax version and a flash version using Flow player.
  • Look at the `mode` option for the slideshow in admin/plugin options. It uses the Flowplayer for the slideshow. That seems to work for me on IE7
  • hi developers

    i did and it says : flash for flash based slideshow (requires Flowplayer.)

    "Flowplayer" is it already instaled in " nightly build " ???

    i did set it up on " flash " but still not working and when i choose slideshow for the images nothing shows .

  • hi developers

    any way that i can have the " slideshow / controls showing all the time instead of only " mouse on image " ???

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have to activate flow player on the plugins page first...
    You can change the slideshow.css of your theme.
  • hi acrylian

    so to make the " slideshow / controls " permanent above the image is from the css??

    how about the mouse over the image ?? what will happen to this ??

    i can not get it acrylian

  • hi acrylian

    flower player are checked in the admin/plugin page is this enough ??
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, you are right, the positioning of the controls is CSS but the hover is javascript/ajax. That part of the code is

    function() { $('#controls').fadeIn(); },

    function() { $('#controls').fadeOut(); }

    in the `zp-core/plugins/slideshow.php` file. I have adapted that code from the site of the jQuery Cycle plugin which runs the jQuery slideshow mode. See there about it's options:

    Feel free to change as you like. But keep in mind that every update will probably overwrite your changes if you don't backup them. I will not change anything about that now.

    Flowplayer needs to be activated and the slideshow mode set to flash.
  • hi acrylian

    so lets say i want to make the " slideshow / controls " permanent

    what should i change in this :

    function() { $('#controls').fadeIn(); },
    function() { $('#controls').fadeOut(); }

    should i remeve it from the : zp-core/plugins/slideshow.php ??
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Follow the link to the jQuery Cycle plugin I posted above, there you find everything about the options. I have just taken that part from there.
  • hi acrylian

    i could not get any answer from this link about my question.

    because all i need is in the : slideshow/nightly

    the control appers only when the mouse over the image than u can click next prev pause or what ever

    what i am trying to do is making this controll always showing instead of only the mouse over the image for it to show.

    visitors may get confused and they may say how can i go next or previous ??? how they can figure it out that they have to put the mouse over the image so they can see the control
  • hi developers

    i could not get any answer from this link about my question.

    because all i need is in the : slideshow/nightly

    the control appers only when the mouse over the image than u can click next prev pause or what ever

    what i am trying to do is making this controll always showing instead of only the mouse over the image for it to show.

    visitors may get confused and they may say how can i go next or previous ??? how they can figure it out that they have to put the mouse over the image so they can see the control
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have understood what you want. As I said above I have adapted the code from the page I posted above (exactly from here I liked the idea that the controls do not "disturb" watching the images and just fade in if needed. I am used to that from a lot of movie programs. You could simply write a sentence "Hover over image for controls". Otherwise you will probably hover over the image sometime and see the controls.

    Anyway, have you tried the simplest that comes to mind and removed the code in question? This would be what I would try first...
  • hi acrylian
    did u mean delete this part from : zp-core/plugins/slideshow.php ???

    function() { $('#controls').fadeIn(); },
    function() { $('#controls').fadeOut(); }

    if no, this sentence "Hover over image for controls". where it should be than ??

    in other words how the above code should be writting?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes I mean that code.

    Write the sentence wherever you like on the theme's slideshow.php above or below the printslidesshow for example would be the easiest.
  • hi acrylian

    sorry about that mess

    i am not realy good when it comes to codes.

    now, i thing this is the code who control the " slide show control button"

    could u wtite it again for me pls in the way that the " slide show control button" stay permenant and not fade away.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
    $('#pause').click(function() { $('#slides').cycle('pause'); return false; });
    $('#play').click(function() { $('#slides').cycle('resume'); return false; });

    function() { $('#controls').fadeIn(); },
    function() { $('#controls').fadeOut(); }

    fx: '<?php echo getOption("slideshow_effect"); ?>',
    speed: <?php echo getOption("slideshow_speed"); ?>,
    timeout: <?php echo getOption("slideshow_timeout"); ?>,
    next: '#next',
    prev: '#prev',
    delay: 2000,
    startingSlide: <?php echo $imagenumber; ?>
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Try removing this:
    function() { $('#controls').fadeIn(); },
    function() { $('#controls').fadeOut(); }
  • hi acrylian

    when i remove it the images in slideshow mode not appearing any more
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Try changing `display: none`to `display: block`or `display: inline`with slideshow.css's #controls
  • hi acrylian

    in the my themes/slideshow.css i did try both : display: block or and display:inline

    display: block did not work at all images still not showing

    display:inline in IE i can see only the " slideshow control button on the left. but no images

    display:inline in opera nothing showing still
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Then it's aparently not that easy to change that. I have no time to dig further into this right now (the IE display issues are still unsolved, too). So I suggest you use either the flash mode or write a note like suggested above.
  • hi acrylian

    that is ok.

    could u pls look at it when u have the time and find me solution for it.

    thanks again
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, you have now jQuery, so I can't test it.

    I will not promise to see after the "controls issue", because I really can't consider that an issue. Please understand, I/we have not the time to fullfill the "demands" of a single users (no one else really complained till now). Your visitors just have to hover over basically the whole browser window to see the controls (assuming that the majority of windows users use most of the time full screen mode, this would likely often happen.)

    Regarding the IE display problem. that is something we hopefully solve sometime. Might be or not be that the control hover is related or not.
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