Problems with mod_rewrite

Hi to all.

I have downloaded the latest version of Zen Photo, and i replaced the old /gallery folder into /gallery1 in order to install a fresh copy in /gallery.

After install i copied the whole /albums folder (with all my old albumes) from the old to the new /gallery folder, and now the links are not working anymore :(.

In the config, the mod_rewrite is checked so i don't now what is wrong. Please give me a hint.

In the mean time u can check the problem on

Thank you in advance


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I assume you updated from an older version? Which version? Probably you have an older htaccess file in use. There is a htaccess file included in the build, but probably it's invisible because of the "." at the beginning.
  • Were you running mod_rewrite previously? In any case you should turn mod_rewrite off and see if things work.
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