Hi all,
I have a live zenphoto gallery with sever hundred images. I have also been playing around with the newest nightly build locally.
I am relaunching my entire site (wordpress and zenphoto) and have a few questions...
1. I want to upload the nightly build - replacing the prior installation of zenphoto and at the same time keep my gallery intact. When I say intact, I mean that I have made a lot of changes in the zenphoto admin (image names etc) and I don't want to lose those.
2. I'd like for the url to show gallery instead of zenphoto.
Thanks as always!
First #2: I assume that your old gallery was installed in a folder named "zenphoto" and you want to install the new one in a folder named "gallery" so the url will be `www.domain.com/gallery`. Is this correct? If so then:
#1. Make note of the MySql information contained in your existing zp-config.php file.
Then delete the folders `zp-core` and `themes`. also delete the files (but not any other folders) that are in the `zenphoto` folder.
Rename the folder `zenphoto` to `gallery`.
Upload the nightly build to the `gallery` folder.
Run `setup.php` providing it the MySQL information you saved above.