Error when Upgrading from to


Long time use of Zenphoto, tried upgrading from to today, setup ran OK but when the green ticks appeared for plugins I noticed one of them was just a black rectangle, setup then took me to admin page but when I viewed the site, I got a error message saying that class video was missing from line 49 of class-image.php I am now in the process of going back to

I have 4 installs of Zenphoto to do so will try the others until I know what the issue is, I do have customised themes.




  • I now have now gone back to and everything is running fine. When I installed it did not go to the page giving the option to view gallery or go to admin, it just went straight to admin.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We really need the full error message and any additional ones.
  • If setup is triggered automatically it does not stop on the intermediate pages unless there is something you need to attend to. So going directly to the admin pages would be expected if setup was triggered from an admin page. Yo can run setup from the direct link `site/zp-core/setup.php` and you will get the step by step setup.

    You should review your setup log. Most likely there will be in it the error that caused your plugin not to setup properly. If not review your server logs.
  • Hi,

    This is weird, I have tried installing again, I am doing this from my site/zp-core/setup.php, I get no errors except when the little green ticks appear some are empty boxes, again it then directs to the admin page, when I view my site I now get this error: Call to undefined function printAllNewsCategories() in /mysiteurl/themes/mymodifiedtheme/sidebar.php on line 16

    My theme is based on the zenpage theme, if I change my theme to the default zenpage theme I get this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function checkForPage() in /mysiteurl/themes/zenpage/index.php on line 6

    If I go back to everything is OK. This is the first time in ages I have had any problems upgrading, so I am guessing that my theme is breaking, are there big chnagers between & ?

    I will go back to again later.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please review the full error logs again and post those errors before those errors. If it is permissions causing this there would be other. Those functions are part of the Zenpage plugin and are still used by the officical Zenpage theme.
  • My customised theme is based on the zenpage theme from December 2012, I have made a fair amount of changes and I don't migrate the changes to a fresh zenpage theme every time zenphoto is updated (too time consuming especially on 4 zenphoto sites), I just use the same copy I customised originally, so far I have had no problems but could this customised theme be causing problems no in ?

    I will review the logs again but when I looked earlier I couldn't see anything, are setup log & debug log the ones to look at in zp-data?

  • You will also need to look into your server logs as they may contain errors that Zenphoto is not able to trap.

    Anyway, the behavior suggests that the zenpage plugin is not getting loaded. One thing you can try is to to the plugins tab for the zenpage plugin, uncheck it, save, then re-check it and save again. Perhaps the same is true for the class-video plugin as well.

    Which setup boxes are empty? Those indicate plugins that failed to setup properly. Be sure your browser is not auto-filling the link to setup adding an autorun parameter.
  • Hi,

    I finally have one of my zenphoto installations installed and working fine, the problem was my customised zenpage theme. In previous upgrades I have always left my customised theme active when upgrading, this never seemed to cause problems, however with it seems there are various problems, I am not sure I really understand them all, but it seems there are various depreciated functions related to the theme, also for some reason the Jplayer plugin was getting unloaded.

    Anyway, I deactivated my customised theme, activated the default zenpage theme, uninstalled, index.php, zp-core, & plugins, themes (having backed up my customised theme) then installed the latest index.php, zp-core, & plugins, themes, setup seemed to go smoothly. I then had to make all the customised changes to the latest copy of the zenpage theme.

    Question: So will I always have to apply all my customisations to the latest copy of zenpage theme at each upgrade? On this installation its pretty easy but on one I have a few that will take some time to do:-(

    I will now try and do another one of my sites and see what happens!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Question: So will I always have to apply all my customisations to the latest copy of zenpage theme at each upgrade? On this installation its pretty easy but on one I have a few that will take some time to do:-(
    Yes, if you use a custom or customized theme there is no way around having to maintain it yourself. We cannot know what you may have customized and how (there are good and bad ways to do things :-)).

    We generally try to keep changes few but sometimes they are simply necessary. Also you can enable the deprecated functsion plugin until you managed all changes. Its error messages should give you also a guide what you need to change.
  • I forgot, I also had to uncheck & recheck the zenpage plugin as you suggested, before I did that I would get a fatal error message when trying to view the gallery, also when goimg to the admin page all the info in the bottom righthand corner about zenphoto would be missing?

  • @acrylain,

    "Yes, if you use a custom or customized theme there is no way around having to maintain it yourself. We cannot know what you may have customized and how (there are good and bad ways to do things :-))."

    Yes of course, I appreciate that, I guess I have just always been lucky until now:-)

  • BTW in one of my installations I am using Flowplayer rather than Jplayer, but in the installation I just upgraded to I noticed Flowplayer is no longer listed. Has it been dropped?

    Thanks for your help.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Regarding the footer info missing you note above: I cannot answer. The first you need to do if something is not looking correctly is ALWAYS visiting the error logs.

    Yes, Flowplayer has been dropped:

    jPlayer remains the only official player now. There is also a "half-official" mediaelementjs Player ("half" because by me). That is the same player the new Wordpress 3.6 now ships included.
  • It would be really useful to understand why the install failed with your custom theme activated. Any error information would be appreciated. Any theme issues should have been isolated to the theme and not impact the install in general.
  • @sbillard,

    Sorry for the delay in replying, I could not see anything in zenphoto logs that indicated a error, unfortunately my host does not allow access to the server logs, i did ask them if they could look for me for anything relating to zenphoto but I have had no reply from them.

    I have now updated my other 3 installations of zenphoto using the same method of deactivating my custom theme and activating the default zenpage theme. I have now updated all my customised themes using the latest version of the zenpage theme and everything seems to be running smoothly again.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I would consider to move to another host. Access to the logs is really important for selfhosting. They really should make them available somehow. No reply is not a good sign I think.
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