Theme css problem

I took my Wordpress theme header, footer and sidebar and inserted into my ZP theme as described on these forums. It worked; my gallery, albums and photos show up but I am having two problems;

1.I used the default theme as a template, so the index page should show galleries in two columns, but mine stack them one across as seen here:

and the default one should look like this:

This also happens on my album pages, instead of my photos being 4 or 5 across and several rows, they are one narrow column. Any idea what to change in the CSS? Which CSS file is it? I have my theme option set to Light, but my index header references zen.css which I cannot find.

2. My Admin Toolbox link does not work. When I hover over it my taskbar says "JavaScript: toggle('admin_data'); but nothing happens when I click it.

Any ideas?


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