Prev and next links on index.php page

If there are more albums - than in one page - the link on second page is broken.

for example I have 2 pages - on front page I have good links to next » /page/2/

but - on the second page - links to page 1 ( prev) are also /page/2/ - so they link to the actual page - not previous.

Anybody help?
(used last ver.)



  • I'm having the same problem. Are there any fixes in the works for this? :-)
  • trisweb Administrator
    Thanks for the bug report, I'll look into it for the next release.
  • I had the same problem and figured out the following solution.
    I think that this only happened when installing to a subdomain or directly to a domain, but am not sure.
    In the remplate-functions.php file go to this area of code:

    function getPageURL($page) {

    global $_zp_current_album, $_zp_gallery;

    $total = getTotalPages();

    if ($page <= $total && $page > 0) {

    if (in_context(ZP_ALBUM)) {

    if (zp_conf('mod_rewrite')) {

    return WEBPATH . "/" . urlencode($_zp_current_album->name) . (($page > 1) ? "/page/" . $page . "/" : "");

    } else {

    return WEBPATH . "/index.php?album=" . urlencode($_zp_current_album->name) . (($page > 1) ? "&page=" . $page : "");


    } else if (in_context(ZP_INDEX)) {

    if (zp_conf('mod_rewrite')) {

    return WEBPATH . (($page > 1) ? "/page/" . $page . "/" : "/");

    } else {

    return WEBPATH . "/index.php" . (($page > 1) ? "?page=" . $page : "");




    return null;


    The change was made in this area:

    return WEBPATH . (($page > 1) ? "/page/" . $page . "/" : "");

    The code originally has nothing in the last set of quotes if you simple add a slash in there it fixes the problem.

    return WEBPATH . (($page > 1) ? "/page/" . $page . "/" : "/");

    What was happening is that it wouldn't put anything in for the link. It would be like putting «a href=""» It doesn't go anywhere and thus just refreshes the current page.
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