descriptions and upgrades problems

hi developers

ive notice that every time i upgrade the script i loose all my folders and images and so on descriptions than i need to re-enter them again and again.

hwat is the solution?



  • That should not be happening. Are you careful to use the same database prefix each time? If you change that, then the database starts fresh. Check your database and see what tables you have. There should be only one each of `prefix`Options, etc.
  • Are you overwriting your "albums" folder too? That's where all the images are stored for each album so if you update from the build, it'll be blank! I've always left the databases with the default zp_ to make sure the setup updates them okay and everything stays where it should be.
  • hi macalter

    i did not get this one : with the default zp_ ??

    ok, my database are the same, i may played around with the albums folders.

    because i am following the " nightly build " so i am upgrading every few days.
    my config file will always be the same as well because i am not playing around with database.

    so what is the safest way to keep all albums folders and images + descriptions in place ????
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    so what is the safest way to keep all albums folders and images + descriptions in place ????
    Not to overwrite the album folder when upgrading... The database is not touched when updating, as sbillards said.
  • hi acrylian

    thanks it is very clear now.
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