Slideshow navigation

The new link "back" on the Slideshow goes back to page 1 of the Gallery instead of the index page of the album, or the page that started the slideshow. (Tried from the index page of the album with the thumbs). Why? And, can it be changed?

The image title doesn't display nor the description (did in prior builds). Only generic number of images and nav back.

When clicking the "back" link when called from the Sized image page, get error "Zenphoto Error: the requested object was not found. Please go back and try again."

In both cases, I got no image displaying in the slideshow.
Slideshow plugin: checked
flowplayer v1.0.1 checked
flow player height: 240 / width: 320 (no idea what this is)
Effect: shuffle
Mode: flash
Size: blank (assume this becomes Sized Image)
speed: 500
Timeout: 3000

using Camino 1.6 (latest download)


  • Postscript: no luck in Safari 1.3.2 either. Tried swtiching to JQuery. The "no image found" does play but no images and no controls seen (they showed in Flash)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The "back" link in the flash mode is not new...:-) Anyway, there seems to be indeed a bug in the flash mode when called from an sized image. I don't know yet what that is.

    The flash mode does not display image title and description, that is only with the jQuery mode. The reason is that the flash player flow player is not able to do so.

    But your other problem with the link back I am not able to reproduce (svn 1490).

    PS: flow player height: 240 / width: 320 (no idea what this is) is size of the display of flow player... BTW, size is only for the jQuery mode as stated in the plugin options. The player is set with it's own size.
  • Does that mean before my update, I was running JQuery thought it was Flash? That's where I saw images albeit thumbnail size. And, I saw the image title and description. Title above, description below.

    The "back" link, may have been there before but the show went so fast, never saw it <SMILE>. Will try the link after next build update install and see if there's improvement.

    I'm downloading Firefox 2.x for mac to see if it makes a difference in anything dealing with mac browsers. What's one more browser :) (Will now have 4)

    PS Thanks for the slideshow.css file. Already playing :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yep, the jQuery version looks quite flashy...:-)

    What's one more browser :) (Will now have 4)
    That's nothing, I have around 15 installed browsers (some Opera, Firefox and Mozilla versions)..:-)
  • zenphoto-2008-04-20-1485 / Camino 1.6 (v1.8.1.14 2008040911)

    Slideshow set to JQuery. No Size setting. Speed 1000 (trying to slow down): Of note, all image thumbnails need to load on the page before clicking View Slideshow (I was in a hurry didn't always wait).

    Results using Albums 1-4: `image not found message`; image title displays; image number of total displays; no description displays; navigation displays if I guess the spot to hover over managed to view long enough to click the square button and it too me back to page 1 of the Gallery*; no return to the Album.

    tried again: error message `Zenphoto Error: the requested object was not found. Please go back and try again.` this was on Album1 second attempt
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1, image not found
    I can't reproduce it with FIrefox 2 or Safari. I can only guess that the slideshow is too fast for the image, since the jQuery mode uses the cached sized images. If they have not already been cached, they would have to be created and probably return that error since that takes too long. So please try precaching the images (or just view all images in that albums once before).

    2. Back button
    Sorry, I can't reproduce it either. BTW the lastest nightly is 1490.

    3. Navigation hover.
    The nav should appear when you hover over the image or somewhere near. Basically the whole window is "sensitive". It does work for me.
  • All images are loaded prior to clicking View Slideshow from the Album Thumbnail page. Am trying in Firefox/

    I believe I've read others ask for the control for navigation to stay visible (or, be an option for such) as it's not readily known how to stop/navigate the slides.

    When loading the Thumbnails, this error is noted for the page (righthand side in the status bar):

    jQuery is not defined jquery.flashembed... (line 9)
    [Break on this error] (function($){$.fn.extend({flashembed:function(a,b){return this.each(function(){n...

    WhenI click on the line9 (it's a hyperlink):
    2/* Copyright (c) 2008 Tero Piirainen (
    3 *
    4 * $LastChangedDate: 12.03.2008
    5 * Version: 0.1.1
    6 *
    7 * Tested with: jQuery 1.2.3+
    8 */
    9(function($){$.fn.extend({flashembed:function(a,b){return this.each(function(){new $.flashembed(this,a,b)})}});$.flashembed=function(a,b,c){this.init(a,b,c)};$.extend($.flashembed.prototype,{init:function(a,b,c){var p={src:'#',width:320,height:240,expressInstall:null,version:null,allowfullscreen:true,allowscriptaccess:'always',quality:'high',bgcolor:'#ffffff',type:'application/x-shockwave-flash',pluginspage:''};$.extend(p,b);;this.width=p.width;this.height=p.height;this.src=p.src;this.version=this.getVersion();var d=p.version;var e=p.expressInstall;;this.params=p;this.flashvars=c;if(!d||this.isSupported(d)){$(a).html(this.getHTML()).show()}else if(d&&e&&this.isSupported([6,0,65])){$.extend(this.params,{src:e});this.flashvars={MMredirectURL:location.href,MMplayerType:'PlugIn',MMdoctitle:$('title').text()};$(a).html(this.getHTML()).show()}else{a=$(a);if(a.html()!='');else a.html("<h2>Flash version "+d+" or greater is required</h2>"+"<h3>"+(this.version[0]>0?"Your version is "+this.version:"You have no flash plugin installed")+"</h3>"+"Download latest version from here")}},isSupported:function(a){var b=this.version;return b[0]>=a[0]&&b[1]>=a[1]&&(b[2]==null||b[2]>=a[2])},getHTML:function(){var a="";if(navigator.plugins&&navigator.mimeTypes&&navigator.mimeTypes.length){a='<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ';var b={width:this.width,height:this.height,src:this.src,};$.extend(b,this.params);for(var c in b){if(b[c]!=null)a+=[c]+'="'+b[c]+'"\n\t'}if(this.flashvars){a+='flashvars=\'';for(var c in this.flashvars){a+=[c]+'='+this.asString(this.flashvars[c])+'&'}a+='\''}a+='/>'}else{a='<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ';a+='width="'+this.width+'" height="'+this.height+'"';if(' id="''"';a+='>';a+='\n\t<param name="movie" value="'+this.src+'" />';for(var c in this.params){if(this.params[c]!=null)a+='\n\t<param name="'+c+'" value="'+this.params[c]+'" />'}if(this.flashvars){a+='\n\t<param name="flashvars" value=\'';for(var c in this.flashvars){a+=[c]+'='+this.asString(this.flashvars[c])+'&'}a+='\' />'}a+="</object>"}return a},getVersion:function(){var a=[0,0];if(navigator.plugins&&typeof navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]=="object"){var b=navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description;if(typeof b!="undefined"){b=b.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/,"$1");var c=parseInt(b.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/,"$1"),10);var d=/r/.test(b)?parseInt(b.replace(/^.*r(.*)$/,"$1"),10):0;a=[c,d]}}else if(window.ActiveXObject){try{var f=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7")}catch(e){try{var f=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");a=[6,0];f.AllowScriptAccess="always"}catch(e){if(a[0]==6)return}try{var f=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")}catch(e){}}if(typeof f=="object"){var b=f.GetVariable("$version");if(typeof b!="undefined"){b=b.replace(/^\S+\s+(.*)$/,"$1").split(",");a=[parseInt(b[0],10),parseInt(b[2],10)]}}}return a},asString:function(b){var c=this;switch(typeOf(b)){case'string':return'"'+b.replace(new RegExp('(["\\\\])','g'),'\\$1')+'"';case'array':return'['+$.map(b,function(a){return c.asString(a)}).join(',')+']';case'object':var d=[];for(var e in b){d.push('"'+e+'":'+c.asString(b[e]))}return'{'+d.join(',')+'}'}return String(b)}});function typeOf(a){if(a===null||a===undefined)return false;var b=typeof a;return(b=='object'&&a.push)?'array':b};if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload",function(){__flash_unloadHandler=function(){};__flash_savedUnloadHandler=function(){}})}})(jQuery);
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, with the navigation, that are two persons if I count right...:-)

    The error: I thought you talked about the slideshow, but htat is on album.php. I see ot now but in this case that is not related with the slideshow. I just don't understand why that flashembed js is loaded on album.php, it's not needed there at all. Must have been forgotten with an update.

    EDIT: I found out why that is loaded.
  • Using Firefox 2.x, even in Admin mode, Errors are registered for the page. I'm now on the Edit page and it shows 3 Errors:

    jQuery is not defined
    [Break on this error] (function($){$.fn.extend({flashembed:function(a,b){return this.each(function(){n...
    jquery.flashembed... (line 9)
    jQuery is not defined
    [Break on this error] (function($){$.fn.extend({flashembed:function(a,b){return this.each(function(){n...
    jquery.flashembed... (line 9)
    jQuery is not defined
    [Break on this error] (function($){$.fn.extend({flashembed:function(a,b){return this.each(function(){n...
    jquery.flashembed... (line 9)
  • zenphoto-2008-04-23-1494
    Tested the slideshow:
    - Album images displays at desired size
    - Effects work (transitions)
    - The navigation control didn't stop when the square button pressed as expected, instead it briefly stopped then went back to the Sized Image page totally unexpected but I guess once that's known behaviour it's okay
    - The navigation control was next to impossible to bring into view (had to guess where to cick); 2nd view of show produced control; subsequent attempts produced random appearance per slide
    -Further experiment produced the control IF the pointer was anywhere but underneath the image (which is where I hope the description will be)

    - JQuery option: no description
    - Timing settings in options working although still fine tuning :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The stop button is to really stop and return to the page you came from. If you want to put it on hold there is the pause button.
    The controls should become visible if you hover over the image or near where the controls appear.
    The description has a checkbox that needs to be activated.
  • We're having an especially hard time getting this to work in IE and would like to have it ready by the next release. If anyone would like to take a stab at it, please do!
  • I think that the slideshow needs to warm up (a few slides) and it seems to act better (visibility). Stop button was a matter of knowing that's what it does, okay now. Description check is checked but doesn't appear; all slides have a description. BTW, slideshow.css is just what I wanted, thanks.
  • aitf311: Gee, I've been hearing this complaint about IE since version 3.x; guess some thing never change <LOL!>
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have already added some seconds before the actual start, that does not help really. Actually it works best if you use the already precached sized images.

    Anyway, I now will make the controls fixed on top of the page (and the fading an option) and some less heavy looking control design

    Ahm, with the descriptions, well, yeah, seems that there indeed a bug sneaked into the code....
  • Okay, will look for tonight's build.

    "I have already added some seconds before the actual start, that does not help really. Actually it works best if you use the already precached sized images."

    Ya, seems to be the trick. Another active post refs the behaviours I'm getting for navigating. Aside from that, they do eventually appear but the option would be great as most visitors probably expect to see them by default.
  • acrylian:
    Were you able to fix the bug in last night's build or should I wait for Friday night's? (Didn't see anything in trac.)
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