Well, the page is dated September 15, 2006, so I guess it has not been updated recently. Not much we can do about that, it is not our page. This one is a little more current http://www.zenphoto.org/category/User-Guide/.
There are plans to write a new basic theming guide, but that surely will take some time. Meanwhile take a look at the default theme for example. It's not really hard to see the basic elements. For all further functions to be used in theme please see here: http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation
Ok thanks for your answers. I love the simplicity and elegance of your gallery.
Edit: I think that with an up-to-date step-by-step guide like the one I linked to above, more new users would find zenphoto easy enough to use. I'll be fine, though.
Edit: I think that with an up-to-date step-by-step guide like the one I linked to above, more new users would find zenphoto easy enough to use. I'll be fine, though.