Resetting album thumnail to random?

When you first create an album, the thumbnail that appears on the album are random. After you set a specific thumbnail as the default, how do you set it so it goes back on the random?


  • Just downloaded the nightly build and the top selection is now random so that must have been fixed too.
  • bonez Member
    I'm having a similar problem. My random thumbnail stopped working on all but one gallery and I don't have the option to set to random. Any advice?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As said above, use the nightly build.
  • bonez Member
    unzipped latest nightly build, ran setup, no change. Most galleries have static image without option to set to random.

    What's weird, one gallery is still displaying random thumb. The other 9 are not.
  • bonez Member
    used phpMyAdmin to set 'thumb' values to 'NULL' for all albums. Random images are back.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Random image is an option within the dropdown for each album on its edit page.
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