301-redirect in htaccess

I know it is not strictly a zenphoto-issue, but I htought maybe someone here has had solved it already.

I am trying to achieve a 301-redirect of a page to a news category through htacess. The page is called "foo", the news-category is called "bar", so /pages/foo should redirect to /news/category/bar

So far I use

Redirect 301 /pages/foo http://www.mysite.de/news/category/bar

The problem is, that it somehow adds the non-beautified url-paramaeters to the end, so when I click on the menu item "foo" I get redirected to


Does anyone know how I can prevent the rule from adding "?p=..."?

Thanks a lot and Happy Christmas


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Where did you add that redirection? `/pages/` is actually a rewritten url, the actual one is `p=pages&title=`.

    Try this : `RewriteRule ^pages/foo news/category/foo [L,R=301]`
    (Of course with the proper names instead foo). This is what we still have to redirect some older links when our site used Wordpress.
  • Thanks a bunch acrylian! I tried various locations, what works now is

    RewriteRule ^pages/foo news/category/bar [L,R=301]

    right after the opening

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /

    I also tried with non-rewritten urls but that did not work.

    I love Zenphoto!
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