greetings all you great Zen people,
i have a very important for me question to resolve:
is there any way to do comments pagination? is it difficult?
this would help my design so much since i dont want comments to stretch to infinity..
if there are moders or just good people out there, please help!
i really need an idea or even a direction where to start with comment paginations.. is it doable only through php hardcode or database changes/additions required...
You get the comments to the current selected image as an array with `$comments = $_zp_current_image->getComments();`
Then you have to use a `foreach($comments as $comment) {.....}` loop for example to list the comments. The common functions will not work, so you would have to request the db fields directly with `$currentcomment['comment']` etc.
Pagination would be of course easier if you get the data directly from the database, then you could use the MySQL offset pointer to separate the results for several pages.
appreciate it!