Hy, is there a possibility to create a folder in zenphoto, which is only shown at the startpage (i use that random image function) BUT not in zenphotos library at all?
that would be cool ;-)
I have this question, b´cause i got problems with vertical and horizontal images, on the startpage only landscape images should be shown. So i thought i could create a folder where i just put some images in, that contain only these specific parameters.
any tip?
--> getAlbumId [line 3222]
am i right with that?
`<?php $randomImage = getRandomImagesAlbum(getAlbumId(11)); $randomImageURL = getURL($randomImage); print <br />
so, Album with id 11 is the unpublished album (got id from database), what´s wrong?
I´m sorry, i´m really bad with php...
You should use this function instead if you want to show random images of a specific album: http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation-official/zenphoto/_template-functions.php.html#functionprintRandomImages (the above one shows only a random image of the currently selected album).