Hi there, first let me thank you for your job and your disponibilty and this forum.
I'd like to know if there is a way to comment as a moderator a "Comment" posted.
I mean, not to "edit" a comment, but to answer a comment as a "moderator" (so not create a new comment). Sometimes comments posted need to be answered or explained.
Is it possible and how do i do it
Thanks a lot !
The functionality (as far as I can tell) would be that I would reply, and the person would get a notification of my reply through the email address they entered.
So what is it that you want?
When someone posts a comment, and then I (or another user) reply to them, there is no notification to them that they have been replied to.
Ideally, they would get an email, notifying them that someone replied to their comment.
Subscribing to the comments RSS is proving to be too cumbersome for most users, because then they get EVERY comment on EVERY photo.
Does that help?
Is this the right thing to do? http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/ticket/930
Sorry, the Trac site is a little confusing to me.
What happens next? Do I wait for another version to come out, or can I use it now?
Oh, and do I need to modify my theme to make it work?
Sorry for all the questions! Thanks!
And yes, you will have to modify your theme (if you don't use any of the standard theme, although not all have it yet I think) to add the comment subscription link (see default theme's image.php or template-functions for the parameters of printRSSLink())
And thanks for the tip, I'll see if I can add that in once I upgrade.
I don't see an option to reply to the poster, in the admin or on the page.
You now got a comments rss. I am not talking about the general comments feed for all comments. There is a new one for a single image, album (or Zenpage page or news article) as I said I would do above. if you don't see that try one of the standard themes.
Of course feel free to reopen the ticket with a comment if not satisfied.
There is not a good PHP grammar analizer that lets us identify postings that are replies. I think your best bet is to stick with RSS.
BTW, we do not know that they have e-mail, only that they can supply a valid looking email address. As I have commented on the ticket, it is not likely we will add anything to zenphoto for this.
Just a general notification about new comments to the item just as the RSS handles them will do it. We maybe could just add a checkbox "Email notifications about new comments" which itself could also be an admin option. That then sends an email for a new posted comment to all previous commenter to that item that submitted an email (which is stored on the comments db table) and have checked that checkbox.
The checkbox itself would be individual for each commenter like the "private" checkbox is for example. So nobody would get emails if he doesn't want to. And of course this will only be for that single item you commented on.