Comments as a Moderator

Hi there, first let me thank you for your job and your disponibilty and this forum.

I'd like to know if there is a way to comment as a moderator a "Comment" posted.
I mean, not to "edit" a comment, but to answer a comment as a "moderator" (so not create a new comment). Sometimes comments posted need to be answered or explained.
Is it possible and how do i do it :)

Thanks a lot !


  • I'm actually looking for this too. Does anyone know if this is on the docket of things to add?

    The functionality (as far as I can tell) would be that I would reply, and the person would get a notification of my reply through the email address they entered.
  • Sorry, you will need to be a bit more descriptive. Currently you have the e-mail address of the commenter (assuming it was required) to respond privately. You can of course make your own comments. You can also edit a comment.

    So what is it that you want?
  • I'm looking for (and I assume berinj is too) is a public reply.

    When someone posts a comment, and then I (or another user) reply to them, there is no notification to them that they have been replied to.
    Ideally, they would get an email, notifying them that someone replied to their comment.

    Subscribing to the comments RSS is proving to be too cumbersome for most users, because then they get EVERY comment on EVERY photo.

    Does that help?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you like you could open a ticket for that. I will see that I soon get the comments rss extended so that it is able to fetch only comments of a specific image/album (as the normal rss does, too).
  • OK. I think I did it.
    Is this the right thing to do?
    Sorry, the Trac site is a little confusing to me.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, thanks, absolutly right..:-)
  • Does this mean it's done already?
    What happens next? Do I wait for another version to come out, or can I use it now?
    Oh, and do I need to modify my theme to make it work?

    Sorry for all the questions! Thanks!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As always you can try new features with the nightly/svn or wait until the next release which is scheduled around Feb 1st.

    And yes, you will have to modify your theme (if you don't use any of the standard theme, although not all have it yet I think) to add the comment subscription link (see default theme's image.php or template-functions for the parameters of printRSSLink())
  • Feb 1 is coming up soon, and you guys always have cool stuff to add; I'll wait.

    And thanks for the tip, I'll see if I can add that in once I upgrade.
  • Does anyone know if this was added into 1.2.3?
    I don't see an option to reply to the poster, in the admin or on the page.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As sbillard's comments says, a rss feed to get notified by updates has been added. There is still no way to directly reply (except via Email if the commenter provided one)
  • I'm confused... I wrote the ticket to request that feature added; just a notification to the user that someone had replied. Did I write it wrong?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well you wrote Ideally, they would get an email, notifying them that someone replied to their comment.
    You now got a comments rss. I am not talking about the general comments feed for all comments. There is a new one for a single image, album (or Zenpage page or news article) as I said I would do above. if you don't see that try one of the standard themes.

    Of course feel free to reopen the ticket with a comment if not satisfied.
  • Ah, I see. Yeah, I think I'll reopen the ticket. Just as you're trying to keep ZenPhoto simple, I'm trying to do the same for my users. All have email (since they have to enter it) but not all have RSS.
  • One small quesion: When someone posts a comment on an image, how do we know to whom the comment is directed? The last poster? All posters?

    There is not a good PHP grammar analizer that lets us identify postings that are replies. I think your best bet is to stick with RSS.

    BTW, we do not know that they have e-mail, only that they can supply a valid looking email address. As I have commented on the ticket, it is not likely we will add anything to zenphoto for this.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I think I disagree. It is indeed quite common to have email notifications on new comments on other systems like Wordpress.

    Just a general notification about new comments to the item just as the RSS handles them will do it. We maybe could just add a checkbox "Email notifications about new comments" which itself could also be an admin option. That then sends an email for a new posted comment to all previous commenter to that item that submitted an email (which is stored on the comments db table) and have checked that checkbox.
  • Such an option would be a great disservice to anyone who posted and did not want to get reams of emails.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I think you missunderstood me. I meant having the checkbox itself as an general option if you, the admin of the site, want your users to be able to subscribe to new comments via email in general.

    The checkbox itself would be individual for each commenter like the "private" checkbox is for example. So nobody would get emails if he doesn't want to. And of course this will only be for that single item you commented on.
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