Hi there! I spent hours trying to find a decent enough solution for my problem here, and
ended up messing .htaccess, zp-config and php.ini pretty badly. I've given up. Re-installed everything and need help putting it right!
1) I am running wamps on my home pc
2) ZenPhoto goes through the installation and I can use all Admin function and the toolbar
No photos or thumbnails are visible and when I try to open an album or a specific photo:
Not Found
The requested URL /zenphoto/a/ was not found on this server.
Not Found
The requested URL /zenphoto/a/workshop.jpg.php was not found on this server.
what do I do??
My default path:
PHP version 5.2.5
PHP Safe Mode
PHP GD support
PHP MySQL support
zp-config.php file
MySQL setup in zp-config.php
connect to MySQL
MySQL version 5.0.51a
connect to the database test
MySQL access rights [insufficient]
Your MySQL user must have Select, Insert, Update, and Delete rights.
Grants found:
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO ''@'localhost' *
MySQL show tables found administrators, admintoalbum, albums, artwork_test, comments, images, options
.htaccess file (RewriteEngine is ON)
.htaccess RewriteBase is /zenphoto
albums folder
cache folder