zenlatest modifications (slimbox & sorting)

Thought I'd share two modifications that I made the zenlatest wordpress plugin:

1) use slimbox to display the image:
about line 189:
`a href="$imagepath" rel='lightbox[same]'>img src=$tempthumb /a

just added the rel='lightbox[same]' - adding the [same] lets you navigate through the images on the page

2) instead of displaying the most recently *taken* photos, display the most recently *added to the galleries*
change to this on about line 120:
$picquery = "SELECT `albumid`,`filename` FROM `zp_images` where albumid != $excludealbums order by `id` DESC limit 0,$showcount";

There I just changed "order by 'date'" to "order by 'id'"

See it in action here:
www.thomascrawfordphotography.com (still a work in progress)


  • Good modification first of all, but i have a slight issue with your SQL modification. The modification will work just fine, but your description is not correct. As far as i can see from my database and from the system, the date field represents the date the image was added - not taken. But since the ID field is the primary key for the table, the modification will work perfectly.

    I will incorporate your SQL change into the next release, and if you have any other modifications i will be happy to add them also if they can be of general interest.
  • The date field represents a best guess at when the image was taken. If there is an EXIF date taken field present, that is used. Otherwise the filemtime() of the image is used which most likely is when the image was uploaded. (It is the "last changed" time.)
  • nice :) i must have been lucky that my pictures dont have exif data after i post process them. The change to sort by primary key is definatly in the next release.
  • I have made release 1.2.3 containing Tomc's SQL modification. Slimbox option might be in next release.
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