4/28/2008 Nightly - Full Image Protection doest work

I tried out
zenphoto-2008-04-28-trunk.zip 28-Apr-2008 23:00 1.2M
and the **Full image protection: No Access** option doesn't protect the full image since I can still type in the name of the address in the URL and pull it up. Is this not completed yet?

Just checking, because this is a feature I've really been waiting for. :)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The direct path is always accessable if you know it. You would have to set up some htaccess rules to protect the actual image. We didn't include it because not everybody is allowed to edit htaccess rules or has even mod_rewrite. Take a look here for example:

    The best is always not to post high resolution images on your website at all...:-)
  • I protect my images by putting the albums directory outside of the web directory. This is configured in the zp-config.php $conf['external_album_folder'] = '/home/users/example/albums';

    That way only zenphoto php files have access to the images and there's no way to get to it via the web directly.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Right, I forgot about that possiblity.
  • s0me0ne Member
    Brilliant, thanks williamz :)
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