Everything works great on my local server. I get an error on the remote server `Warning: Missing argument 2 for printCustomAlbumThumbImage(), called in /home2/antiquf5/public_html/themes/default/album.php on line 28 and defined in /home2/antiquf5/public_html/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 986` on my remote. Using most recent nightly build. Did a clean install, everything works fine. When I use this `function printCustomAlbumThumbImage($alt, $size, $width=240, $height=NULL, $cropw=NULL, $croph=NULL, $cropx=NULL, $cropy=null, $class=NULL, $id=NULL)` in the template-functions, and then add this `
` to the album template, I get the error above. Like I said, this works great on my local setup. I use subalbums. The gallery thumbs are small, the subalbums are larger, just like I want.
Any Ideas? Thanks in advance
'`<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle(), null, null, 240); ?>`'