I've seen an explanation for the parameters - what each means and what's expected - but don't know where. I've found the template-function docs and want to attempt breadcrumbs and/or list of albums in site (Gallery page). MAYBE I can figure them out????
Breadcrumbs - expectation:
Journeys (Gallery page) - Album1 full title - Album 2 full title etc depending upon which page visitor is viewing.
index.php of my Gallery page: code resulted in « and » for Page 1 which I'm assuming is partially correct as the [title] didn't appear
`=? printAlbumBreadcrumb( $before = '«', $after = '»', $title = 'Journey'); ?=` (equal signs are for this forum only)
index.php of Album page: I created new div tag until I see its appearance and know it works. It produced strange results:
dot « prev
dot 1
dot next »
then all thumbnails went down in a row; album blurb unformatted, thumbs unformatted, credits unformatted; it's a 1 page album so there shouldn't be any page navigation
printAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle()); ?> (this exists already, it's just to give idea where I placed the new code after
<!-- 01-May-2008 added breadcrumbs -->
`=div id="bread">
=? printAlbumBreadcrumb( $before = '«', $after = '»', $title = 'Journey'); ?=`
background: #C2D6C2;
/* breadcrumbs */
color: yellow;
Found an error and now my Album itself displays correctly; moved Breadcrumbs to album.php for the Album thumbnail pages.
all I get is the name of the current album. My previous use of breadcrumbs showed titles of page(s) before as well.