I would like to change the comments display layout on the image page. I've succeeded for the form part, using the documentation on this page:
http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/plugins/_zp-extensions---comment_form.php.html#functionprintCommentFormBut I haven't found any way to modify the remaining information... Is there a way to customize the 'printCommentForm' function?
Thanks for your answer.
If you wish to have different functionality you need as always create your own custom plugin.
But the 'printCommentForm' is not only displaying the form; it also in charge of the existing comments (before the form) and the RSS link (after the form) display.
I would like to make some changes in the generated HTML but I don't find the 'printCommentForm' function; could you tell me where it is located, so I can use it as a model.
Thanks for helping.
The printCommentForm function is located in,
That was the purpose of my initial question: where can I find it, so I can analyze how it works?
Thanks for the 'right' hint. ;-)
But this time, it's different, and I don't understand why nor how... There is a 'printCommentForm' that is called to from the image.php file. I understand it uses the comment form that is in the zp-extensions/comment_form and I have already customized this form.
But I have absolutely no clue concerning the whereabouts of the actual function I'm looking for: what I'm sure, it is not in this specific extension (there are only 2 files...); it's not in the comment class file either. So where could it be?
I need to organize differently the HTML produced for the existing comments, but I don't know where the relevant source is 'hidden'! There should be somewhere a `function printCommentForm`; my question is: "in which file is it?"
There are 2 different files with the same name comment_form.php:
- the one I had found is in zp-extensions/comment_form, and didn't provide what I was looking for...
- but the one that is directly in zp-extensions is the 'right' one where all the HTML is.
So Mark has the right answer, but I didn't pay attention to it, as I hadn't realized there were 2 .php files with the same name in 'almost' the same place.
In fact, I found this while I was investigating on another issue, so you might soon get another question on another matter! ;-)
Thanks to everyone for helping.
- `zp-extensions/comment_form/functions.php` does have all the functions incl. html output for theme and backend
- `zp-extensions/comment_form/comment_form.php` is the actual comment form itself you can have as a custom one of either in `/plugins/comment_form/comment_form.php` or /themes/<yourtheme>/comment_form/comment_form.php`
- `zp-extensions/comment_form.php` is just the base plugin file.