printAlbumMenu LI stray

added inside the "albums" div tag to my Default Theme index.php
[div class="album_menu">
[h2 id="titlesub">Album Menu</span></h2>
[?php printAlbumMenu("list","count","album_menu","album_menu_active","album_menu_sub","album_menu_sub_active"); ?>
[!-- end -->

CSS (yellow used while testing)
font-size: 50%;
color: yellow;
/* light #294550;*/
padding: 5px 5px 5px 240px !important;
/* : menu position */
/* clear: both; */
.album_menu a:link, .album_menu a:active, .album_menu a:visited
color: yellow;
/* light 294550*/

is producing erracting list menu with stray LI off to the right

Album Menu * <<< WHY IS THIS LI HERE????

* Album1 (12)
* Album2 (62)
* Album3 (2)
* Album4 (104)
* Album5 (70)
* Album6 (180)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Album Menu * <<< WHY IS THIS LI HERE????
    Actually I don't know, I suddenly see it in my installation, too. That should not be there and I could swear yesterday it wasn't. Seems we have a bug here.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I checked it and it's not a bug of the menu. I found a somehow empty album without anything in my database. Don't know from where that came though. Please take a look at your database via phpMyAdmin, too, and search for an album without folder entry.
  • Dreamhost has phpMyAdmin capability from their MySQL control panel. I'm EXTREMELY nervous to touch but looking at the list of dbs within my "zenphoto" directory, I see listing of each of my albums each averaging arund 3k, some with overhead (whatever that is). All with Collation as latin1_swedish_ci... (no idea why swedith, Dreamhost did that)

    I see 10 of my SQL databases listed. Each say they have 11-12 entries. Collation is latin1_swedish (NO idea about that one).

    ZP Admin claims I have 13 albums when I login and see the summary! It shows I have 8 albums with one that has 4 subalbums = 12. The 13th one is unknown and not showing.

    I think I know which is causing this problem. It can be deleted and recreated. So, should I do it from ZP then check it's gone from MySQL?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Try refreshing the database on the admin overview page. If that does not the trick, you would have to delete it directly.
  • Deleted 4 albums from the 11 actual; ZP claimed I had 13. Of the actuall 11, 4 were subalbums. This is not clearly defined on the Overview page.

    Refreshed db, Admin>Overview showed 8 albums. FTP albums folder = 7; FTP cache folder = 9. MySQL/PhpMyAdmin showed 8 when I viewed the dropdown menu. ALSO for the MySQL databases, it not only showed the overall database "gallery name", it showed database for each of the albums, including the 4 I deleted. They're all dated day of the gallery creation.

    Manually deleted the extra albums from cache folder. Did another Refresh the Databases (Gallery maintenance). Gallery stats still say 8:
    1 album1
    2 album2
    3 album3
    4 album4
    5 album5
    6 album6
    7 album7
    that's all that show in Edit tab
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