Video linkage


i implemented a uploader swf in the admin backend. It works great so far, only thing i have to fix is a file browser, where i can chose my dir, right now the uploader only goes to one specific folder "video".

I uploaded a thumbnail with the same name as video and when i go to my image.php all i see is the latest video (directly) without any thumbs...

could that be a problem of the image and thumbnail hack?

here is my image.php:

`<?php if (!defined('WEBPATH')) die(); $themeResult = getTheme($zenCSS, $themeColor, 'light'); $firstPageImages = normalizeColumns('2', '6');?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<?php printGalleryTitle(); ?> | <?php echo getAlbumTitle();?>

" type="text/css" />

/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript">

<?php printRSSHeaderLink('Gallery','Gallery RSS'); ?>

<?php zenJavascript(); ?>

<?php require_once(SERVERPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/plugins/print_album_menu.php"); ?>

<?php printAlbumMenu("list","", "album_menu", "album_menu_active"); ?>

<?php if (!checkForPassword()) { ?>

<?php $_current_image = $_zp_current_image; ?>

<?php while (next_album()): next_image(); ?>

"title="<?php echo getImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageThumb(getImageTitle()); ?>

" title="View album: <?php echo getAlbumTitle();?>">

<?php printAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle()); ?>

<?php endwhile; ?>

<?php $currentimagetitle = getImageTitle(); while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages)):<br />
if($currentimagetitle === getImageTitle()) { ?>

<?php getImageTitle();?><?php printImageThumb(getImageTitle()); ?>

<?php } else { ?>

<?php } ?>

<?php endwhile; ?>

<?php $_zp_current_image = $_current_image; ?>


<?php printAdminToolbox(); ?>



  • And also the credit div went away?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This normally means you have a php error somewhere. Take a look at you log.
  • oh, i saw on IE it is working????? but why not on FF?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I just tried it in Safari 3.1 and FF 2 (on Mac) and the thumbs are there in both, however the thumbs dissapear in FF if I resize the browser window a little too much. So I guess this is a CSS problem with the centering.
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