1 ) I'd love to target the same window over and over when you click on an image on image.php to display a full image.
I have zenphoto version 1.1.5 [1507] installed from the nightly builds and...
Options --> Image Display --> Full image protection: Download
With this setting above, when I click on an image to display the full image, I get a new window for each image that I click on when I display the full image. How can I target just ONE window? Normally I'd just name the target in a link, but I can't find where the new window is called in the script with "Full image protection: Download". Sorry if I've overlooked something obvious.
2) The other related issue is
" in image.php -- I tried messing with some javascript and used <?php echo getFullImageURL();?> as the href in the scripts, but kept running into "/gallery/08-10-2007/index.php?album=08-10-2007&image=DSCF1180.JPG" (Zenphoto Error: the requested object was not found. Please go back and try again.), instead of the shorter URL that I see with the the simple click to see a full image.. All else is good except for when I try to add javascripts. Is this a cruft issue of some kind? What can I use besides <?php echo getFullImageURL();?> in my scripts to point to the actual full image? Note that if issue #1 above is resolved, then issue #2 is irrelevant.
`Options --> Image Display --> Full image protection: Download`
the browser should not be displaying the image at all. It should be offering you a download dialog. What browser are you using?
#2: The url you show, "/gallery/08-10-2007/index.php?album=08-10-2007&image=DSCF1180.JPG" is not what `getFullImageURL()` returns. It looks more like what `getImageLinkURL()` returns.
2) More details on this issue... In the default theme, using image.php, with no changes, you are right... getFullImageURL() returns http://mydomain.com/gallery/08-15-2007/DSCI0002.JPG.php?p=*full-image ... in the same window. No popup... No problem. Now, let's say I take a javascript and put something like: onClick="return popImage(this.href,'Photo');" .... I'd expect that to call <?php echo getFullImageURL();?> ... however, instead of calling the regular full image URL, it calls "/gallery/08-10-2007/index.php?album=08-10-2007&image=DSCF1180.JPG". Sorry if this is a simple coding mistake. I suspect not.
2)onClick="return popImage(this.href,'Photo');" .
I am by no means a JS expert, but doesn't `this.href` call the current url your are viewing? This would then be the url `getImageLinkURL()`would print and not`getFullImageURL()`.
Cutting and pasting this URL above into a NEW window's location field (or even the SAME window) displays:
with the error... Zenphoto Error: the requested object was not found. Please go back and try again.
This is the same problem I am running into when trying to use `getFullImageURL()` in a Javascript.
`getFullImageURL()` is working the way it's supposed to when it's here:
" title="<?php echo getImageTitle();?>"><?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?>
But when I try to reuse `getFullImageURL()` by adding some JS like:
`onclick="MM_openBrWindow('<?php echo getFullImageURL();?>','fullimagewin','toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=800,height=800'); return false"`
...in the same div..., I get the following again, instead of the full image URL:
with the error... Zenphoto Error: the requested object was not found. Please go back and try again.
What am I missing?
If anyone has any clues as to why this is, please let me know. I want to create a popup for the full image that's sized to the popup. I can do that elsewhere, but for some reason, can't get it to work inside of this:
" title="<?php echo getImageTitle();?>"><?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?>