getNumNews : warning in debug log

vincent3569 Member, Translator

with Zenphoto version [11059], I have a lot of this warning in my debug log :
Backtrace: WARNING: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
.../zenphoto/zp-core/zp-extensions/zenpage/zenpage-class-news.php on line 144
ZenpageNews->categoryIsVisible called
from Zenpage->getArticles (zenpage-class.php [263])
from getNumNews (zenpage-template-functions.php [205])
from include (inc_header.php [285])
from include (pages.php [1])
from include (index.php [5])
from index.php [92]
do you have an idea about this message ?


  • It appears a bug if you call this function on an article which is in no categories.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    I have a look on articles of my website.
    All of them have at least one categorie.
  • The problem will occur if any SQL error occurs on the query, so maybe some other thing was in error.
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