Images per page

Nick Member

I'm just doing my first experimenting with zenphoto, which is pretty cool btw

I'm having trouble with setting the number of images per page, it seems to work in multiples of 5 only?

If I set it to 20 that works, but I have 7 images per row, so the third row only has 6 images, if I set it to 21 the gallery shows 25 images (4 images on the forth row)

any advice?



  • Are you working with one of the distributed themes? If so, you will need to adjust the `normalizeColumns()` call to match your CSS layout. (See our documentation for details.
  • Nick Member
    Thanks, will give it a go :D
  • Nick Member
    That worked, thanks :D

    couldn't that be added to the admin? it might have saved me bugging you here ;o)
  • Sorry, not sure what you are asking. The Admin does have the images per page option. What you are dealing with is layout problems and our distributed themes. Each of them is designed to completely fill out a row (based in the CSS.)

    Documentaiton of the functions is best kept in the guide.
  • Nick Member
    OK I'll shutup
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