Saving img filename next to title

I was thinking... (but perhaps I'm overlooking something and ZenPhoto already does this...) why not save the img filename while adding a custom title to an image?

For instance, let's say I have images of butterflies. ZenPhoto automatically uses the filename (before the extension) as the image title which is great. But what if I have a butterfly like the Platyptilia Carduidactyla or even with a longer name, then I would like to give it this name, but keep the filename to butterfly-231.jpg. This is easier if people contact you about a certain image.


  • That is what the image title is for. Make it whatever you want. The filename is unchanged.
  • jackdaw Member
    Then, is there a function to display the filename in my theme? I haven't seen this in the themes I have tried.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is no direct template function for that, but you can use the current image class object: `$_zp_current_image->name` or the according class method `$_zp_current_image->getFileName()` .

    This of course only works within a `next_image()`loop or on image.php where a "current image" is available.

    And please take also a look at our functions guides on
  • jackdaw Member
    Thanks, I can use that for now. And I thought it would also be a usefull template function, so I added it as a suggestion to trac :).
  • Along the lines of saving image title names, I'd like more to see the SAVE beside each image in Edit so when you do change the title or description for one image, you don't have to scroll down 100+ images to get to the SAVE button :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    For now there are keys on your computer keyboard to scroll to the bottom or top of the page, too.
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