Video size

I tried changing the video size and it did not work. What went wrong???

I edited the class-image.php file under the zp-core folder.

I changed the values in:
if ($this->video) {
$size = array('320','240');

Then I posted the changes to my server and the size of the video did not change. Can someone please help me change the size of the video?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No double posts please. We see every post. Thanks.

    The video size is set within `template-functions.php` in `printCustomSizeImage()`and `printDefaultSizedImage()`. We don't recommend to hack any core files, because you have to do it again with every update. Zenphoto 1.1.5 does not have an option for that but try the nightly build where the video player(s) are plugins and have admin plugin options.
  • adriana Member
    Hi Acrylian,

    Sorry for the double post...
    I upgraded to the nightly version and changed the video size under the options > plugin options and the video size on my site still remains small.
    The video file type I am using is .mov and I tried using both flowplayer and flvplayer and neither one worked.

    I am not sure what to do now. Can you please advise?

    Thanks for creating this software!!!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ah, sorry, we don't have options for the .mov files (and the 3gp, too). The reason is that not all may have Quicktime installed (expect Mac users) , while Flash bascially everyone has.
    In this case you would have to hack the functions I mentioned above. Or you use a format like .mp4 that either Quicktime and our Flash players support.
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