tweeking the Thumb size

i'm finding that the option for Non-Cropped Thumb size is not working as i wish it would. it seems that it is creating the thumbs based only on 1 side - the width. this causes difficulties when trying to nicely display a grid of full sized thumbnails for an album or any kind of thumb list.

setting - Thumb size: 100
will cause thumbs to be 100 wide by 200 high (if the image is a 1:2 ratio)
and 100 wide by 30 high (if the image is a 10:3)

so if i want to grid my No-Crop thumbnails - they look very messy.

a better way to approach this is to have a 'longest side' method.

from which when you set - Thumb size: 100
it would produce thumbs that are never wider nor higher than the set size.
thus making it easy to neatly display a grid of thumbs without cropping them.
as seen in this gallery using 'folderblog':

is this something that has been addressed?
if so, where can i find the hack code?
if not,
is this possible to hack into the functions? how?
and can it be included in a future release?


  • jackdaw Member
    Hmmm... that link does look good, but the aligning is done by css. I tried it myself but without succes. I wonder if this is because ZenPhoto doesn't print the actual size of the thumb in the img src code. This way (perhaps) the vertical-align:middle; doesn't work?

    This code gives you uncropped and equal(...) size thumbs (got it from another post, so not from my intelligence ;)):

    `<?php<br />
    $desirableThumbWidth = 150;

    $desirableThumbHeight = 150;

    if (isLandscape()) {

    $myImgSrc = getCustomImageURL(NULL,$desirableThumbWidth,NULL);


    else {

    $myImgSrc = getCustomImageURL(NULL,NULL,$desirableThumbHeight);




    instead of the usual print command...
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