We are pleased to announce the release of Zenphoto 1.1.6 - all the information is up on
the News page.There is also a call for translators for compiling a collection of languages for the fully internationalized zenphoto release, scheduled to be 1.2. If you're interested, see
the post and the tutorial linked from there.
Thanx for improving ZenPhoto.
1st.- tried updating from 1.1.4 as showed in front page. No luck, I got several errors.
2nd.- I installed 1.1.6 from scratch. I got PHP gettext error -> I installed the PHP extension (php_gettext.dll) in php.ini and solved.
3rd.- ZenPhoto is supposedly running but still get the following error messages in all pages:
Warning: setlocale() [function.setlocale]: Passing locale category name as string is deprecated. Use the LC_* -constants instead. in E:\webroot\mathilde3\zp-core\lib-gettext\gettext.inc on line 131
Warning: setlocale() [function.setlocale]: Invalid locale category name LC_MESSAGES, must be one of LC_ALL, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC, or LC_TIME. in E:\webroot\mathilde3\zp-core\lib-gettext\gettext.inc on line 131
I know I could hide them but that's not the point. It might also be a matter of my PHP version (5.2.3).
Just checking.
I have tried it also on PHP 5.2.3 with the native gettext extension enabled and disabled and did not get those other errors.
Thanks for the report. We have plans to throw that lib out anyway.
What do you think I have to do to avoid these errors?
From what you say I understand I should uninstall the gettext library included within the PHP installation package.
I've already done it but error message remains the same. Any clue? Do you need more info about my installation?
The only thing I can think of right now is commenting out those both functions in the zp-core/lib-gettext/gettext.inc. Could you try that?
1.- Reinstalled native gettext. (& restarted server). Still same errors.
Commented out the whole function
line 119 'gettext.inc' function _setlocale($category, $locale) { ...
Error again because the function is called from within the same file:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _setlocale() in E:\webroot\mathilde3\zp-core\lib-gettext\gettext.inc on line 58
Commented out the call to that function:
line 58 'gettext.inc' $locale = _setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, 0);
no error message and apparently no side problems.
Temporally solved but we should check what's causing the error and whether the commented function can be overridden and, therefore, removed from this file.
At this point for what I'm developing is ok. If you have any ideas, let me know.
Thanx again,
Anyway thanks again for testing.
now internationalization is not working for me.
I've tried with my recent Spanish translation. No luck. Changed to packed German translation, and still no change at all.
I've then uncommented all previously commented lines at gettext.inc and still the same (plus the above mentioned errors).
Should I move this discussion to the bug ticket system?
Thanks again for trying and reporting.
you may need to check your server got the Spanish locale or not by:
`locale -a`
to list all avaliable locale.
I have just met same situation as you, I make a zh_HK translation but it is not work. I found it is not installed and try to rename the directory in zp-core/locale to a installed locale zh_TW, and it is work!
if i got zen/admin it will forward to the correct zp-core folder, and wordpress is working fine so its not Mod problem.
i'm re uploading and checking the upgrade again.
will anything bad happen if i upload the 1.1.5 files? did the DB change at all?
i really don't know whats going on. the re-cache in the admin wont work, viewing the images wont work. and direct url access does not work, i would assume if i disable MOD URL it would work fine, the other strange thing is even thought my install is in the /zen/ folder it keeps trying to open it in /zenphoto/
#### !!! Change this to the web path (eg: http://www.yourwebsite.com/photos --> /photos) !!!
RewriteBase /zenphoto
and like magic everything works now.
maybe put a note in the upgrade script to do that, or regenerate it, i don't remember doing that in the first place.
installed, and its working fine!